Filename | Size | Date | Description |
archive/ | 4096 | 01/19/08 20:48 | Directory |
realms.txt | 401 | 10/22/95 14:04 | Just a little blurb
| | 121663 | 01/19/08 20:15 | Plain zip of program without install
| | 7074050 | 11/08/11 01:58 | ZIP compressed archive |
ctl3dv2.dll | 25808 | 10/18/95 23:32 | Required for version 0.01
realmsofdespair.exe | 299776 | 01/19/08 20:49 | MS-DOS or Windows executable file |
ansicrt.fon | 5104 | 10/27/95 19:23 | Font file for the terminal window
00index.txt | 378 | 01/19/08 20:17 | Text file |
realms.exe | 264018 | 01/19/08 20:48 | Self-extracting archive with install